Tomorrow kids are going back to school (or preschool) so I decided to spend some productive time with my nieces. As some of you know I've discovered Kumihimo bracelets lately.
I wanted to share all the fun I get from braiding so I sacrificed my shoe-box lid and cut out two more disks.
Then I invited my 10 and 5-year-old nieces over and we did a short braiding course.
Hasiok got out from his liar (in one of my project bags) and joined us as a model:
We used pieces of cotton and acrylic-cotton yarns (both from Alize yarns).
Not long before our bracelets became visible:
Girls were really happy to see effects of their work. So was I!
It wasn't the only nice thing last week though! Next day a letter arrived and inside I found...
I did not use it that much, because I had this other project to finish.
But now I can braid my day away in peace!
Have a nice afternoon!